Get a first look Nov. 28


The United Way of Michigan says more than 1.500万或39%的密歇根州家庭低于资产有限收入限制就业(ALICE)的财务生存门槛.


Harriet’s Legacy

哈丽特·迈尔是JC的一位教授,她非常关心自己的学生和校园里的所有学生. 她是一个声音和倡导者,确保学生能够完成他们的教育,并在整个过程中得到他们所需的支持. An emergency fund was established in her name. 迈尔从1961年开始在JC工作,直到1974年英年早逝.

Holistic Approach

Here are some of Harriet’s Hub’s goals:

  • Provide free, nutritious food to those in need
  • Offer a welcoming and inclusive space for all
  • 是否有“一站式服务”的方式,包括为喷气机队提供夹克, 卫生用品和推荐给额外的州和地方资源

“We have the Hunger Free Campus initiative,” Assistant Dean of Instruction Jamie Vandenburgh said. “However, 我们没有满足学生更深层次的需求,所以这是一个自我评估的机会,看看我们能往哪里走.”

Community Collaboration

计划需要一个零食储藏室,可以进入以及搬迁 Jackets for Jets.  现在,哈丽特中心正处于他们提议的第三阶段的第二阶段.

Some organizations have stepped up to help including Compassionate Ministries of Jackson 他们已经向学生成功中心捐赠了2000多份零食. 捐赠来自米莉阿姨的面包,通过一个零食储藏室,可以通过CSS访问.

Outside of food, Michigan Works is interested in helping JC students find success.

“密歇根工程公司将我们纳入了一项即将到来的拨款,该拨款将为我们的学生提供额外的全面支持和一些额外的资金,” Vandenburgh said. “只要你能想到一个学生可能需要成功的任何东西, 这就是密歇根工程公司的资金将会用到的地方. So, they’re pretty excited about this space. 他们想找个人到校园来,这样学生就可以顺道拜访密歇根工程公司.”

Officials are also working with the Jackson Preparatory & Early College.

学生们在达勒姆中心的社区花园中有一块土地, so they do some gardening and composting,” Vandenburgh said. “当我们有新鲜农产品的时候,如果它们变质了,我们需要一个出口, 我们将与JPEC班合作,将这些材料制成堆肥,并在那里提供一些志愿服务.”

A Pitstop for Growth

They are looking for volunteers to help.

“我们将为学生工作者提供一个很好的领导机会,他们可能想要负责并能够在中心周围创造一些有趣的内容, create some recipe cards, that type of thing,” Vandenburgh said. “它是由教职员工和学生运营的,它的资金也是由教职员工和学生提供的.”

Ariel Maturine is the student resource coordinator. 她每天都在学生成功中心看到我们的学生,所以她知道中心在帮助他们方面有多重要.

“我从‘我真的只需要一顿饭来支撑我度过一天’的角度来看待问题,’ or ‘I’m losing my housing, 我的车. 我不知道我该怎么做才能继续接受教育,’”她说. “Just a wide array of different things. 很多人只是需要这样的成长,让别人说,‘嘿,我能为你做什么? I’m here for you. Let’s figure it out together.”


“无论他们需要什么,无论他们在旅途中的哪个阶段, I want this to be a place for them to come by and say, ‘hi,’” Maturine said.

Save the Date

The Jackson College Foundation is hosting Giving Tuesday on Tuesday, Nov. 28, a 24-hour campaign. 资金将用于支持哈丽特中心和学生紧急基金. It coincides with Harriet’s Hub’s soft launch. That will be taking place from 9 a.m. 到11点.m. Join us for coffee and doughnuts.

You can also drop off in-kind donations.

他们正在寻求与其他地方组织合作. If interested e-mail
